Monday, May 6, 2013

Not in our timing

For those of you who don't know, we have had a bumpy couple of weeks in the Lazenby house. Our second interview was postponed, as it was the earliest day Rhett could have tubes put in. Five days later, we made a trip to Birmingham to his orthopedic doctor (Dr. Khoury who we love). I knew we were getting a cast, but deep down I was still hoping maybe he would have a different suggestion. He didn't, and the crew (consisting of two very large guys!) came in to cast him. I was proud of my little man. No cries, and I really knew he was doing great when one of the techs said "it usually takes four people to cast a small one." We will be going to Birmingham every week (ouch) for a stretch with the PT and a new cast, hoping this will resolve his contracture. That being said, I know that God is preparing for us to meet our girl in his timing, and that meeting was postponed for a reason. It is now next week:)   Special thanks to everyone who has bought a shirt, or a raffle ticket, or donated to the yard sale. We still have about 30 shirts to sell, if you are interested let me know or there is a box to the right that you can order online. 

I couldn't help but want to blog tonight thinking about Mother's day on Sunday. There is not a more selfless, loving calling. However, I also think about all of the children here and across the world wishing for a MOM....they are without someone to leave notes of encouragement in their lunch boxes, embarrass them with kisses at school, or cheer them on in a soccer game. Children who, did nothing to deserve their position and are yearning for someone to LOVE them.  These children are already adopted by Christ, as we all are, but how much MORE would they understand his love if they could catch a glimpse of it from a mother? Just a thought....

I recently bought a documentary on adoption called Stuck. It was made by an organization called Both Ends Burning, which promotes adoption. Stuck is a moving film of stories of families through their adoption process. Their website is here or if you live in my town and want to borrow the DVD let me know. I would love to spread the word, even if just one more child found a home. 

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms, grandmothers, foster moms, mentors, and ladies who will be moms in the future. I would not be the person I am today without Leigh Blackwell! She is my rock, my best friend, and I'm thankful that she has taught me how to give and love. Here is one of my favorites of Mom and I. I have no idea what we were laughing about. Probably my clumsiness with jewelry...I don't wear much:/

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